34 research outputs found

    Depression and mania symptoms mediate the relationship between insomnia and psychotic-like experiences in the general population

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    Psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) are subclinical forms of psychosis commonly experienced in the general population. The nature of PLEs has yet to be clearly defined, yet mood and sleep disturbances may be two predictors. Sleep disturbance increases paranoia and hallucinations in experimental studies, and insomnia is considered a longitudinal precursor of psychosis. Mood disturbances including depression and mania, which can be induced by insomnia, can also result in psychotic symptoms. However, whether insomnia may predict PLEs via the mediation of mood disturbance has yet to be fully clarified. To advance this field, the aim of this study was to investigate the mediation role of depression and mania symptoms on the relationship between insomnia and PLEs. 1.086 community members (28.32±9.04 years, 58.1% females) cross-sectionally completed self-reported measures of insomnia severity, depression/mania symptoms, and PLEs. Bivariate correlations, hierarchical multiple regressions and mediation analyses with bootstrap approach were performed. Insomnia and mood disturbances (depression/mania) were significantly associated with PLEs (β = 0.06, p < .05; β = 0.225, p < .001, respectively). Mediation analysis revealed a significant indirect effect between insomnia and PLEs mediated by mood disturbance through bootstrap approach (β=0.13, se= 0.02, 95% CI: 0.10 - 0.17). Our results support the view of insomnia and mood disturbances as predictors of PLEs in the general population and foster the replication of these findings using longitudinal designs

    Buccal mucosa is a promising graft in Peyronie's disease surgery. Our experience and a brief literature review on autologous grafting materials.

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    Aim: Peyronie's Disease (PD) is an under reported acquired benign condition that, at the moment, is not curable with medical therapy. Surgery represent the gold standard of treatment. Surgical approaches are several and they consist in "plication techniques" or plaque incision/excision with grafting of resulting albuginea defect. Among grafting procedures, albuginea defect substitution with autologous materials demonstrated over the years not inferior results respect to heterologous grafts. Buccal mucosa graft (BMG) is not usually emphasized in many review articles and clinical series are yet limited. Methods: We present our experience with seventeen plaque incision procedures and BMG in surgical correction of complex penile curvatures due to PD performed in a period of 30 months. Our analyses was focused on buccal mucosa graft characteristics as major determinant of the surgical success. We also conducted a brief literature review on autologous grafting materials used in reconstructive penile surgery for PD. Results: Our cosmetics and functional results consists in a 100% of functional penile straightening with no relapses and 5,8% of de novo erectile dysfunction. Mean age was 56.4 years, mean follow-up of 22.5 (6-36) months. No complications graft related were observed. Operative time was 115.3 minutes in mean. Over 94% of patients referred they were "really much better" and "much better" satisfied based on PGI-I questionnaire administrated at the last follow- up visit. Conclusion: BMG is revealing as an optimal choice for reconstructive surgery in PD. Anatomical characteristics consisting in the great elasticity, the quick integration time and the easy harvesting technique lead to high cosmetics and functional success rate, without omitting economical and invasiveness aspects

    Time waits for no one: longitudinal study on the effects of an anti-stigma seminar on the psychology student population

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    The primary aim is to describe the changes in the knowledge of mental health conditions, the attitudes toward the mentally ill, and the intended behaviour towards people with mental illness among the entire student population of the third year of a degree course in Psychology. A total of 570 students attended a seminar on stigma towards mental illness and were invited to complete an online survey which collected data on sociodemographic characteristics and three validated questionnaires evaluating different aspects of stigma at three different time points (pre-intervention, post-intervention, and at one year follow up). A total of 253 students (44.39%) completed the questionnaires at t0, t1, and t2. The mean age of the sample was 23.7 (SD = ±5.89), and 86.96% (n = 220) were females. Between t0 and t1, a statistically significant improvement was observed for all three outcomes, while the intended behaviour outcome was no longer significant between t1 and t2 (Z = −0.70; p = 0.48). Females and who participated live at the seminar maintained a significant knowledge of mental illness and a better attitude toward community mental health care. The effects of the seminar focused on reducing stigma tended to diminish over time at one year follow-up, particular in relation to intended behaviour

    Dreams and Nightmares during the First and Second Wave of the COVID-19 Infection: A Longitudinal Study

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    Recent literature shows that the Coronovirus-19 (COVID-19) pandemic has provoked significant changes in dreaming. The current study intends to provide an update about dream variable changes during the second wave of COVID-19. A total of 611 participants completed a web survey from December 2020 to January 2021. Statistical comparisons showed that subjects had lower dream-recall frequency, nightmare frequency, lucid-dream frequency, emotional intensity, and nightmare distress during the second than the first wave of the pandemic. Dreams had a higher negative tone during the second than first wave. We revealed significant differences concerning post-traumatic growth, sleep-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and sleep measures between groups obtained as a function of the changes in the oneiric frequency between the first and second waves. We also found significant correlations between qualitative/emotional dream features and COVID-19-related factors (job change, forced quarantine, having COVID-19 infected relatives/friends, or asking for mental health help). Overall, we found that the second wave affected fewer quantitative features of dream activity and there was less emotional intensity. Moreover, we confirmed the relationship between nightmares and the high risk of PTSD when subjects were grouped as a function of the increasing/decreasing frequency. Finally, our findings are partly coherent with the continuity hypothesis between oneiric and waking experiences

    Biallelic mutations in nucleoporin NUP88 cause lethal fetal akinesia deformation sequence

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    Nucleoporins build the nuclear pore complex (NPC), which, as sole gate for nuclear-cytoplasmic exchange, is of outmost importance for normal cell function. Defects in the process of nucleocytoplasmic transport or in its machinery have been frequently described in human diseases, such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders, but only in a few cases of developmental disorders. Here we report biallelic mutations in the nucleoporin NUP88 as a novel cause of lethal fetal akinesia deformation sequence (FADS) in two families. FADS comprises a spectrum of clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders with congenital malformations related to impaired fetal movement. We show that genetic disruption of nup88 in zebrafish results in pleiotropic developmental defects reminiscent of those seen in affected human fetuses, including locomotor defects as well as defects at neuromuscular junctions. Phenotypic alterations become visible at distinct developmental stages, both in affected human fetuses and in zebrafish, whereas early stages of development are apparently normal. The zebrafish phenotypes caused by nup88 deficiency are rescued by expressing wild-type Nup88 but not the disease-linked mutant forms of Nup88. Furthermore, using human and mouse cell lines as well as immunohistochemistry on fetal muscle tissue, we demonstrate that NUP88 depletion affects rapsyn, a key regulator of the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor at the neuromuscular junction. Together, our studies provide the first characterization of NUP88 in vertebrate development, expand our understanding of the molecular events causing FADS, and suggest that variants in NUP88 should be investigated in cases of FADS

    Specchi in attesa di eventi

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    Il quadro viene esposto su un pilastro blu, all'interno di una stanza poligonale interamente rivestita e pavimentata in specchi. Il tema della stanza come contenitore si dematerializza in una moltiplicazione infinita dell'immagine artistica che viene esaltata e "completata" attraverso un alone rappresentato dall'immaginazione trasformativa. Pertanto, il dipinto non è possibile vederlo se non attraverso l'inconsueta dimensione del suo spessore e la sua figura si trasforma in una pietra scheggiata all'infinito, quasi una calotta celeste angolosa e ubriaca di immagini. La stanza per larte diviene, quindi, come un museo del mondo perché già la nostra vista non riuscirebbe a catturare le tante forme generate dagli specchi. Tutto ciò enfatizza la ricerca di Lucio Fontana che alludeva sempre alla presenza di spazi segreti e invisibili. Il quadro si trova in una posizione espositiva mai vista sino ad ora. Una posizione incomprensibile senza il sussidio della infinita duplicazione iconica. Una posizione che attende, silenziosa, emozioni ed eventi all'interno della sua sagoma a forma di casa con una cuspide segreta

    La rivoluzione illusoria

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    Lo spazio completamente rivestito in feltro allude, all’esterno, al concetto del vestito di un contadino che ossessiona Beuys e la sua passione sciamanica nella continua ricerca della regalità insita nella condizione umana. La sua meravigliosa foto che lo ritrae con il consueto cappello di feltro nel suo individualismo democratico ne fa un vero e proprio sovrano dell’arte. Per contenere quest’opera ho voluto immaginare un percorso denso e complesso composto da una moltitudine di paraste separate che definiscono un portale ed una galleria di illusioni prospettiche che il 2020 ci consegna, inesorabili, rispetto alla ben diversa concezione tutt’altro che regale della condizione umana. Non a caso l’icona della galleria di Palazzo Spada dovuta alla magica mano di Francesco Borromini, conclusa da un cavedio leggermente ribassato, rappresenta le ambiguità di questa condizione che il teatro del barocco e le serpentine Leibeniz, avevano già amaramente delineato riferendosi alla minacciosa potenza dell’infinito e che John Hejduk aveva trattato nella fisiognomica dei suoi angeli impossibili